Mango Cheesecake No Bake

Summer is here and one cant deny that Mangoes are the best blessings which comes with the summer heat. There is no comparison with the juicy, sweet and sour richness of mangoes. As my we have inherited mango fields every summer mangoes come to our house in enormous amount and so many goes to waste so this year I decided to put them in use instead of making only mango shakes and just eating them with hand or forks. I made no bake cheesecake with mangoes and guess what? It was a Big Hit :D Yesss!! It was light refreshing and everyone thought its from some bakery ;) So I decided to share it with you all xoxo it's simple anyone can make it all you need are simply following ingredients;

  1. Cream 3 packs (each pack contains almost 200 ml I used Nestle cream packs)
  2. One jar of Cream Cheese (one jar contains 240 g and I used Puck's jar of cream cheese)
  3. Butter (three tablespoons of butter, preferably room temperature butter)
  4. One pack of graham crackers ( I used digestive sweet biscuits)
  5. Gelatin (two tablespoons if you're using powdered form)
  6. Last but not the least Mangoes (puree of almost 4-5 mangoes) 
Put graham crackers and butter in blender and blend them well, then apply the mixture on the base of your cake moulder spread it with the tips of your fingers gently and equally. Refrigerate it let it set and move on to next step.
Make puree of 4-5 mangoes add one lemon juice and if you think your mangoes are not sweet enough then add sugar accordingly, blend it well.
Then move on to next step, blend cream until it becomes fluffy then add cream cheese, mix it well with cream. Add three to four tablespoons of mango puree in the mixture (this is optional but it's good to add little taste in the cream and cream cheese mixture).
Add gelatin ( mix two tablespoons of gelatin powder in around 4 tablespoons of warm water let it come to room temperature then add it in the cream and cream cheese mixture, this time just fold the mixture with the help of your spatula. 
Put this mixture in your cake moulder (over graham cracker base) then let it set in the refrigerator for at-least three to four hours.  
Once its set add remaining mango puree ( you can add puree with or without gelatin I added without gelatin because I don't like a-lot of gelatin in my food) then let it set. It's good if you let it set overnight.. 

You can add chunks over or on the sides, you can be creative :)
Enjoy your no bake cheesecake and do let me know :)

 Love xoxo


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