Alicia Keys No-Makeup Appearence.

Little girl knows she is a princess even in her PJs even with her messed up pony tails, chocolate rubbed up on her face and even dirt on her hands, she knows she is a princess because we make her believe that way. Then she grows up and she needs makeup to look beautiful, not only because she is not beautiful anyomore but because we make her believe that it's important to wear makeup branded clothes to look beautiful. We teach them materialism.
Every girl loves makeup and as a girl I know I do it, I do it to make myself happy because it's something which some how makes me happy but let me correct that it's not the only thing which makes me happy.. People judge you by looks but does it matter or what kind of person I'm that matters? What brand I'm wearing how much makeup I'm wearing does that make any difference? Nope not to me but some people in the society makes it hard for you. Some girls love makeup fashion and some girls are just simple but that doesn't mean they are not beautiful. They are just the way they are plus it's not important to go to the mall with contoured makeup, fake lashes, hair extensions. One pimple or two it's not problem you don't have to cover every flaw all the type as you're beautiful even with your flaws. Some celebrities have a huge impact on our young generation and so many follow them, I love +Alicia Keys  for sensible and sensitive approach by going to major red carpet event with out any makeup. Does that mean she is less of an artist ? Hell no she is amazing from all those who are hashtaging just to show hate.. I just love her for showing teenagers some courage and that it's okay if you have a bad hair day or no makeup day because these are the things to compliment your beauty not make you beautiful. I remember how people on social media bullied +MyPaleSkin  but for what? Stop telling and making girls inferior makeup is an accessory not a necessity of a woman. Stop making girls feel bad. It's a personal choice to wear or not to wear any makeup. Let's celebrate life let's celebrate beauty because everyone is beautiful. Just do whatever you want to do with your life just embrace yourself 
"Cause every inch of you is perfect from bottom to the top"
Preach it +PIERS Morgan 


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