Makeup Revolution Review

Hello guys I'm back,, last days I was busy and when i got fee I was just off the track but here I am now :) .
Well I have confession that I have a bad habit of destroying my money over makeup products, specially on new and different brands and their products.I have my favourites but yet I like to try different brands sometimes my experiment or investment goes to total waste and I regret it so badly and sometimes I find something really good. So recently I found Makeup Revolution ;) my sister bought a face powder of Makeup Revolution and it was really good, so we ordered few more things of Makeup Revolution like one lipstick, dip eyeliner and one peach blush. Surprisingly I fell in love with it. Today I'm doing a review of Makeup Revolution Blush and Lipstick, I will write a review about eyeliner later with some other products I've ordered.
Makeup Revolution blush in Peach and Glossy Lipstick in Pink

Lipstick looks destroyed because it's super soft and right now I'm using it alot.
pigmented lipstick, closeup without any filter
It's super pigmented, super glossy have so many fresh colours but this colour appealed me more. It's hard for glossy lipsticks to stay longer but this super glossy lipstick stays longer it's more like glossy crayon which sticks to your lips and give you happy long hours so no need for touch ups :)
look at the glossy shine tho ;)..

This shade is from Makeup Revolution's series #LipHug "Want to Leave". It's not even that expensive it's around 425 PKR which is almost 4 US dollars and 3 UK pound so super glossy look which is super affordable :D 

This is how it looks when you apply only single coat, this colour is super fresh and best for your summer look I highly recommend this.

Makeup Revolution blush is soft and pigmented, I gently applied this on my fingers and look at the image above ;) it's only 225 pkr which is around 2 US dollars and 1.6 Uk pound. It's cheap pigmented and it does not looks like a powdery mess when you apply on your cheeks, stays longer and totally trust worthy product. This peach blush is perfect for your nude look its warm its fresh it's summery :) I totally recommend this.
Ladies try these products and let me know, improving yourself and always looking good is your right there is nothing wrong in that but it's necessarily have to be expensive, it can be affordable and Makeup Revolution is trendy and highly affordable :)


  1. That lipstick shade is gorgeous
    I am totally broke at the moment but as soon as I get my pocket money I am going to buy this lipstick
    Thanks for the honest review

    1. You're welcome hun... I'm broke too LOOOL but you better try this it's good plus totally affordable.It is a gorgeous shade ,so fresh and glossy.

    2. I like the lipstick packaging makes it look chic and expensive


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