Chocolate DIY Mask and Benefits

I'm a person who don't like to spend a lot of money on beauty products. It's not like I don't buy any, I do but I try to buy good and affordable products first and occasionally go for luxurious products. I think almost every girl is like me right? Because makeup or taking care of yourself is therapeutic and sometimes you're broke, you just can't go out and buy fancy stuff to make yourself happy. That leads me to DIY masks and tips I can try at home for my skin hair and what not. If you remember earlier I shared some tips of Mayonnaise and how can you take care of your hair skin with it ( if haven't read it before just scroll down to earlier posts of chick diaries 😏). So I'm sharing one DIY mask I usually apply on my face it gives my skin radiating shine, skin becomes smoother and softer. It involves all ingredients from your kitchen daily use. Its "Chocolate 🍫" mask πŸ˜ƒ. Yesss who doesn't love chocolate πŸ™ˆ Right!! Even your skin lobes chocolate πŸ™ˆ..
As we all know that chocolate is not only good when you're feeling down and sad, it helps you feel good and happy, it's really good for your heart πŸ’— and you're skin aswell. According to the source of Journal of  Nutrition, Flavonoids mixed with some liquid is extremely beneficial and flavonoids are found in dark chocolate. So if we apply it in liquid form it protects our skin from UV light, increases the blood slow and helps in improving complexion and improves the hydration of skin, making it look healthier and shinier. Commercial chocolates are also high in antioxidants which successfully absorbs the skin damaging free radicals. 
So how to make your skin beautiful with chocolate? πŸ™‡πŸ»
Nothing just following easy steps and you're ready to go 😘. 
Chocolate 🍫 Masks:
1. Mix 3 tablespoons of Chocolate powder (any powder you like, I used coco powder which we use in baking πŸ™ˆ and once I tried it with Cadbury Drinking chocolate powder, you can use any form of chocolate) mix it two to three tablespoons of yogurt add one tablespoon honey mix it well apply it on your face for twenty minutes then wash it off with cold water. You can easily see the difference as your skin will become shinier and softer.
2. If you want deep cleansing and have black and white heads you can mix two tablespoons of raw oatmeal and then apply it on your skin for twenty minutes when dry massage gently with wet tips of your fingers then wash it off with cold water .

3. Here's the recipe of one rich and creamy mask for your skin. Take 1/3 of a cup of chocolate powder with 1/4 cup of raw honey, then mix it with 2 tablespoons of heavy cream, 1/8 cup of coconut oil and 3 teaspoon of raw oatmeal. Apply on your face leave it for good 20 minutes. Cream and cocoa in this mask leaves your skin with luxuriant and silky feel, whereas coconut oil have cleansing qualitiesπŸ’•.
4. Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of chocolate powder with 2 tablespoons of honey, yogurt, raw oatmeal and almost 5 raw ripe strawberries blend them well and make a paste. You can also add cream but it's optional specially if you have oily skin. Apply it on your face and wipe it off softly. Strawberries also fights against harmful free radicals and make your cheeks natural pink 🌸 .
You can be creative and add chocolate powder according to your skin, you can also add cocoa in your favourite homemade masks... The effect is so obvious and quick, you can see it even after first use. I have always said this that everyone is beautiful and everyone has a right to make themselves feel better, take care of themselves, and that doesn't necessarily have to be anything expensive. If you want to buy something expensive it's okay but you can also get affordable and amazing stuff within your daily budget. And DIY masks are much preferable because they are free of chemicals.. 
Try this and do let me know..!! 
Love xoxo


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