Rosewater and It's Benefits ..!!

"I saw fairies in my rose garden, Playing, spreading sweetest smell, that struck me like a magic. 

So I felt like a fairy without any wings. I danced and played with strange little creatures, pretend blowing some pixie dust. I touched their skin soft as red petal , I asked their secret and they whispered real slow "When misty morning is about to arrive, when morning star still shining bright, when dewdrops meets the prettiest rose kiss it like you're blessing them both"

Rose and dewdrops are related mystically. They carry beautiful secrets beyond our imagination. 

I still remember when I was in Art College my roommate and my best friend told me that her aunt is pregnant and her grandfather is making her drink only rose water which was prepared in their farm by their workers, and when we saw her aunt she was glowing like a 100 watt bulb with rosy pink cheeks. We were so desperate but unfortunately we didn't have rose garden or you can say farm growing roses only for our lost in dust beauty, nor have money to afford men, as we were more broke than Max and Caroline :/ So as I was more desperate XD I searched about rosewater and found out about so many things which I never knew, so we three marketeers ended up buying this,

Yes these pure rosewater spray bottles, and big bottle of rosewater so we can refill our spray bottles, soon we became addict of rosewater. I know I know it's hard to believe but hell yes we were addicted, in bus, in college, in our room, we were spray rose water on our face neck anywhere possible XD as it was so refreshing, it's smell use to make us fresh during our long ass days in college. And then something happened everyone was just complimenting our skin, I still remember friends saying to me "what the heck is with your skin after three four hours of painting studio you still look fresh your makeup is fresh whats the secret?" I was like "I'm broke but still I made it ;)"

Rose and water have a history which goes way back, when queens and princesses use take bath in rosewater or rose petals in bathtubs, as perfumes, as drink (with milk), and sometimes even eat them as a dessert.

It was not just because it smelled so good and smell of roses stayed longer, but also because it have benefits for your hair and skin. This tradition is old but it is still beneficial :) and now its not only related to the royals :) Today I will share few secrets with you beautiful ladies.
Rosewater For All Type of Skins:
  1. Cleanser: Cleansing is an essential for healthy and good skin. After washing your face with face-wash, take one tablespoon of rosewater (pure) add few drops of lemon, apply on your face and massage gently. Wipe it off, it's suitable for every kind of skin. Along with dirt it's also good for removing makeup. It nourishes your skin. P.S: You can also add honey along with lemon and rosewater.
  2. Oil Control: Rose water controls oil secretion, making your oily skin fresher and healthier. Mix rosewater with fuller earth (multani mitti) make a paste, apply this on your face and neck leave it for 20 minutes the wipe it off. Repeat this 2-3 times a week. This will clean your pores, reduce oil secretion, and removes blackheads.
  3. Reduce Pimple and Acne: Having pimple nightmares or acne disaster? Take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, mix it rosewater, apply this on your skin for 20 to 25 minutes. You can use it with any anti-acne face mask (homemade). 
  4. Improves Your Complexion: Take almost 2 tablespoons of gram flour (baisan) add rosewater make a smooth paste apply on your face and neck, let it dry once dry start a massage with wet hands, then wash your face water. This is an effective way to get rid of tan and to get a fair and even complexion. It  also helps your skin glow.
Rosewater for Hair:
  1. Rosewater for Damaged Hair: If your hair are damaged with heat, rebounding, perming etc then rosewater treatment is best, natural and cheap. Take one cup of rosewater, add few drops of olive oil, 2 capsules of Vitamin E mix it well, spray this mixture on your freshly washed hair, and style your hair any way you want. 
  2. Rosewater for Dull Hair: After a shampoo use rosewater use one cup or two cups of rosewater (depending on your length) for final wash. It will condition your deeply, add shine, and have a beautiful fragrance which will stay in your hair whole day.
Some other Benefits are shared below through images:



  1. Thank u for sharing tips which are helpful and affordable. :)

  2. Hello, an amazing Information dude. Thanks for sharing this nice information with us. Rose water for skin toner


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