Beauty Hacks: DIY Lip Scrub πŸŒΈπŸ‘„

Wearing makeup or not your lips makes a huge difference. Plus who likes to have chapped lips ? Right πŸ™„ Everyone wants smooth soft and pink lips and I have noticed so many women just don't know how to take care of their lips. Yess lips, you take care of your face hair nails then why not lips? As lips don't have oil glands, they get easily dry so it's very important to properly moisturise them. I have noticed when I don't drink water properly my lips turn darker and when I start drinking more water my lips changes its colour πŸ™‡πŸ». Along with your bad diet, UV rays, allergies, smoking, more intake of caffeine, hormonal disturbance, pollution, even stress changes the colour of your lips, and it's important to remove the dead skin of your lips and regain the health. Chand in lip colour is an alarm to take notice of your own health. Even if you have dark inherited lip colour your lips have to be healthy and free from dead skin.
I know there are so many amazing products in the market these days which can help you regain your lip colour, I don't doubt them at all but I don't know I trust home made stuff more than other products I buy plus I think home made products sometimes work faster and have long lasting effects. So here are beauty hacks or should I say "Lip hacks" ? That sounded wrong 😭😭😭😭 so moving on with the tips 🚢🏻
1. Lip Scrub with Sugar:  Your skin needs scrubbing, your body needs scrubbing, your lips? Hell yes they also need a scrub. Sugar can exfoliate your skin and your lips aswell and makes them soft. Mix granulated sugar ( I try not make the powder out of sugar and leave some grains so I can have the better scrubbing agent) in coconut oil, mix and use as your balm and lip scrub. If you don't like coconut oil, you can add sugar in Vaseline (Petroleum jelly) and make your own lip balm you can customise your balm by adding colour and flavour through adding your favourite lip balms or Chapsticks in the mixture or just add rose patels.

2. Honey: Make a mask for your lips by mixing the equal quantity of lemon juice, honey and yogurt apply on your lips leave it till dry and wipe it off. You can also apply honey on your lips overnight it will lighten the colour of your lips and will make them soft.

3.Lemon:  Lemon is a natural bleaching agent it works well on your skin, where ever you want to remove the unwanted dark colour e.g your knees and elbows. You can rub lemon juice along with its peel on your lips just be careful while using lemon because it will burn your chapped lips. You can add granulated sugar in lemon juice and scrub off the dead skin of your lips.

4.Lip Scrub with above three ingredients: All you need to do is to mix all three ingredients that is granulated or raw sugar in honey, lemon juice and coconut oil. There's no specification of measurements. Apply this scrub on your lips in circular motion and then wipe it off.

PS If you're scrubbing with sugar or soft toothbrush, just remember not to over do it as your lips are sensitive over scrubbing will give you rash 

5.Olive Oil: Olive oil is a miracle for your skin and if combined with sugar it do wonders. You can mix sugar in olive oil and scrub off the dead skin. Or you can mix the equal amount of brown and white sugar in olive oil along with honey store it in some jat and use this three to four days a week.
You can also add vanilla essence to make it smell and taste better.

6.Saffron (Zafran/Kaiser): This tip comes genuinely from my desi roots as it involves all the ingredients from my grandma (Nani 😏) and it have amazing results. All you need to do is mix a pinch of saffron in tablespoon of cream (cream you use in desserts πŸ™ˆ) add glycerin and few drops of rose water mix them well store this mixture in a cold place preferably your fridge apply this on your lips before going to bed for over night. You will see the difference soon enough πŸ’•
These are DIY lip scrubs or masks I have tried and I know they work and have amazing results do try them and if you some other secrets do share it with me I would love to try.
Love xoxoπŸ’•


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